
200+ Italian Last Names Or Surnames With Meanings

By Familywave Team Published on Jun 06, 2024

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More than 350,000 Italian last names are known to exist, making them the most prevalent surname in the world. They belong to various parts, from ancient Roman families to simple names associated with a specific town or village.

Due to its lyrical ring, the Italian surnames rose to become a popular choice among new-generation parents. Here we have a list of last names. I hope you find it interesting.

Most Popular Italian Last Names

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Some of the most popular Italian last names are as follows: 

1. Agosti

Italy's surname Agosti is derived from the Latin word Augustus which refers to "favored with good omens". It is often related to August and has a strong historical and noble connotation.

2. Abate

Italian last names A also include Abate which is derived from the term abet, meaning "priest". It is a surname commonly associated with individuals who held the profession of a priest or had a connection to the clergy.

3. Albano

Italy last name Albano is of geographical origin and refers to "a person from the city of Albano", located in the region of Lazio in Italy.

4. Armani

Armani is traditionally a surname meaning "child of Armano" or "warrior". The family name in Italian is also believed to be an ancient Germanic name meaning freeman.

5. Ricci

This Italian last name Ricci is acquired from the ancient Italian word Ricco which is defined as "curly". In total, there are at least 30 variations of this surname.

6. Maffia

The surname Maffia is obtained from the personal name Matteo, which means "gift of God." It comes from the Hebrew word of the Apostle Matthew, one of Jesus' twelve apostles.

7. Bandoni

The Italian last name Bandoni is linked to strength and power, as it originates from the word bandone, which means "sheet of iron." It symbolizes resilience and determination.

8. Bacci

Bacci is the last name that originated from Italy with the meaning "kiss". It is imitative from the given name Baccio, which is a shortened form of Giovanni or Jacopo.

9. Rodino

The Italian surname Rodino in Calabria can be derived from a local personal name that originated from the medieval Greek word Rodino, meaning "rosy red" or "auspicious promising".

10. Ballerini

Ballerini is the Italian last names popular that comes from the word ballerino, which means "dancer" in Italian. It may indicate a professional origin or an ancestor who was a dancer or involved in the world of dance.

11. La Paglia

The Italian surname La Paglia has its roots in Italy. It is believed to have originated from a place called Paglia and has the meaning of "straw."

12. Bendetti

The Italian surname Bendetti comes from the ancient Roman name Benedictus, which carries the beautiful meaning of "blessed." This name gained popularity thanks to St. Benedict, renowned as the father of Western monasticism.

13. Nanna

The Italian surname Nanna is a nickname derived from the term nanna, which means "grandmother" in Italian.

14. Roma

Roma is the "habitational name from the city of Rome".

15. Lombardo

The Italian surname Lombardo has a geographical origin and has the meaning "someone from Lombardy". It comes from the Italian region of Lombardy, located in the northern part of the country.

16. Bianchi

The meaning of the Italian surname Bianchi is the plural or genitive singular form of the nickname Bianco, meaning "white" in Italian.

17. Roti

Roti has multiple origins and meanings as it is derived from the Italian word rota, meaning "wheel," and has been a surname given to someone associated with wheels or wheel-making.

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18. Leone

The surname Leoni or Leone means "lions" in Italian. It is a surname that may have been given to individuals who had characteristics or qualities similar to those of lions.

19. Puma

The Italian surname Puma, of Italian origin, is associated with the meaning "apple". It is a variant of the standard Italian pomo.

20. Cesare

Cesare is derived from the given name Caesar, which has an interesting meaning "long hair" or "thick-haired" in Italian. This surname might have originally been used to describe someone with long or thick hair.

21. Florentino

The surname Florentino in Italian is derived from the Latin Florentinus, a derivative of "Florus" meaning "blooming" or "flowering." It can also be a habitational surname for someone from the city of Florence in Tuscany.

22. Pepe

This Italian surname is the shortened form of Giuseppe, Italian for Joseph. Additionally, Pepe can be a nickname based on the Italian word for pepper, the spicy seasoning.

23. Coppola

Coppola is an Italian-origin surname which is a common surname in southern Italy, particularly in regions like Campania and Calabria. It is derived from the Italian term "cap" or "hat," specifically referring to a traditional Italian hat called a Coppola.

24. Costa

In Italy, this is a popular variation of another Italian last name, Di Costa. Costa is Italian for rib, which means a "slope" or "coast". 

25. Donato

The Italian surname Donato is extracted from the given name Donato, which has Latin origins and means "gift" or "present."

26. Esposito

The Italian surname Esposito derives from the Latin term expositus, which means "exposed" or "abandoned." In the past, the surname Esposito was often given to children who were abandoned and raised in institutions or orphanages.

27. Gatti

Derived from the Italian word Gatto, meaning "tomcat," this popular surname is likely bestowed upon individuals who possess feline characteristics.

28. Fontana

Originating from the Latin term Fons, which signifies 'spring,' this melodic surname is part of the family of topographical surnames granted to individuals residing close to a spring.

29. Grasso

The Italian surname Grasso comes from the Italian which means "fat" or "adipose." This surname may have been given to individuals with a robust physique or those who worked in the fat or oil industry.

30. Greco

Greco is a common Italian surname, ranking 10th among the most widespread surnames in Italy, and it means "Greek". 

31. Lombardi

Lombardi is a popular surname that was initially given to people hailing from Lombardy in northern Italy. The name also sometimes was used to denote immigrants from other parts of northern Italy.

32. Negri

The Italian surname Negri originates from the Italian word Negri, meaning "black." It was likely given as a nickname to someone with a dark complexion, possibly an immigrant from northern Africa.

33. Colombo

Colombo is an Italian surname meaning literally "dove". It was given to orphans. 

34. Marino

Marino is an Italian surname and a given name of Latin origin meaning "of the sea".

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Common Italian Last Names

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Here is the list of Italian last names common among the families.

35. Romano

The surname Romano means "from Rome" or "belonging to Rome." It denotes a geographical origin or a connection to the city of Rome.

36. Bruno

Bruno is one of the common Italy last names which are gained from the Italian word Bruno that means "brown", referring to the hair color or perhaps complexion.

37. Mancini

The surname Mancini comes from the Italian word Mancino, which means "skillful" or "left-handed." It is a common surname given to individuals who possess the ability to use both hands equally or primarily use their left hand.

38. Pinto

Pinto is derived from the late Latin word pinctus or classical Latin word pictus, which means "painted." It was used as a nickname for someone with a blotchy, pock-marked, or dark complexion, or for someone with graying hair.

39. Accardi

Accardi is a common Italian last names with A that originates from the name Achard, which signifies "hardy" or "brave".

40. Guerra

The common Italian surname "Guerra" means "war" and typically refers to a soldier. It could indicate a family origin related to military activity or an ancestor involved in conflicts.

41. Carbone

Carbone was commonly adopted as a surname by individuals involved in coal mining, coal trading, or charcoal production. The name itself signifies "coal" or "charcoal".

42. Torti

Torti is generated from the Italian word torto, which means "curved" or "twisted."

43. Morelli

Morelli is the Italian surname that was derived from the term Moro, which means "brunette" or "dark." It is used to describe a moor or somebody with a dark skin tone. 

44. Longo

The surname Longo is derived from the Old Italian word longo, which means "long", tall".

45. Rizzo

Rizzo is a surname of Italian origin, denoting "a person with curly hair" or a variation of the surnames Ricci and Risso.

46. Franco

In its origins, the name Franco is derived from the term Frank, which is an ethnic name that means "free."

47. Fabbri

The Italian surname Fabbri is taken from the Latin word faber, meaning "craftsman," and as such, it was likely an occupational name firstborn by someone who was an iron worker, or some kind of craftsman.

48. Gentile

Gentile is a popular Italian surname that comes from the word Gentilis, which means "of the same stock".

49. Rossi

Italian surnames Rossi is one of the most commonly used last names in Italy which is the plural form of Rosso meaning "red" in Italian.

50. Seppi

Seppi is a diminutive of the given name Giuseppe. Giuseppe is the Italian equivalent of the name "Joseph". Therefore, the surname indicates ancestry or association with a person named Giuseppe or Joseph.

51. Galli

The Italian surname Galli derives from the given name Gallo, which means "rooster" in Italian. It could indicate an origin related to a physical or behavioral characteristic similar to that of a rooster, such as pride or determination.

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52. Serra

Serra is the Italian last name that means "ridge or chain of hills". It indicates an origin related to a geographical feature such as a hill or a mountain range.

53. Testa

Testa is a surname that means "head" in Italian. One of the renowned people with this surname is Alberto Testa, an Italian dancer, composer, and lyricist.

54. Riva

Riva is one of the common Italian surname for "someone who lives near a shore" from Riva.

55. Orlando

The Italian surname Orlando is a variant of the name Rolando, which traces its roots back to the Germanic word Rutland. This remarkable name signifies "fame" and "land," or "who proceeds from the glorious country."

56. Pagano

Pagano the Italian surname means "village dweller." It is derived from the word pago, which means "village" in Italian. So, it indicates that the family had a connection to a specific village or lived in a rural area.

57. Serpe

Serpe is generated from the Italian word serpe, which means "serpent." This surname has been given to someone who had a connection or association with serpents, such as a snake hunting or handling activity.

58. Giuliani

The Italian surname Giuliani has its origins in the personal name Giuliani or Julian. This name is derived from the Latin baptismal name Iulius, which means "youthful."

59. Fumagalli

The Italian surname Fumagalli is acquired from the words fumo and Galli which has the meaning "smoked poultry".

60. Bellini

The Italian surname Bellini derives from the term Bello, which refers to "beautiful". It could indicate an ancestor who was considered beautiful or who came from a place with a similar name.

61. Sorrentino

Sorrentino is a surname of Italian origin, meaning "Sorrentinian" or "from Sorrento".

62. Risso

The surname Risso is found in different parts of Italy, like Emilia-Romagna, Venice, Bologna, Lombardy, and Tuscany. It comes from the Italian word ricco meaning "curly".

63. Silla

Silla has various origins and meanings and is derived from the Latin word sella, which means "saddle" or "seat". It is a surname given to someone associated with saddlemaking or horseback riding.

64. Moro

Moro is derived from the term Moro, which means "brunette" or "dark." It could refer to physical characteristics or a geographical origin.

65. Donati

The Italian surname Donati derives from the given name Donato, which means "given" or "gifted." It may indicate a person who was considered a gift or a blessing.

66. Spinelli

The Italian Spinelli surname is derived from the Latin spina, meaning "thorn bush," and was most originally born by someone who lived by a large or unusual thorn bush.

67. Catalano

The Italian surname Catalano has Spanish origins and indicates "a geographical origin, referring to the region of Catalonia".

68. Ventura

Ventura is a surname of Italian origin and is the short form of Bonaventura or Buenaventura meaning "good fortune".

Unique Italian Last Names

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Below are the unique last Italian names.

67. Russo

Russo is a Southern Italian and Sicilian surname. It is the Southern counterpart of Rossi and comes from a nickname indicating "red hair" or "beard".

68. Ferrara

Ferrara is derived from the word ferro, which means "iron" in Italian. It is likely that the surname originally referred to someone who worked with iron or lived near an iron-related location.

69. Caruso

Caruso is an Italian surname that can mean "close-cropped" or "smooth bald." It was also used to refer to young boys or lads in the past.

70. Martino

In Italian the meaning of the name Martino is "Warrior of Mars".

71. Conti

The surname in Italy Conti derives from the word Conte, which is itself derived from the Latin term comitis, which literally means "companion and was then defined as a servant in the retinue of a king or emperor".

72. Moretti

The Moretti surname is a Jewish Italian name. It is derived from the Italian word Moretto meaning "dark hair".

73. Santoro

The Italian surname Santoro means "saint" or "of the saint" in Italian. It could indicate a religious origin or a connection to a devout family.

74. Giordano

The meaning of the Italian surname Giordano is "one who descends" or "to flow down".

75. De Rosa

In Italian, the surname De Rosa means "of the rose." It refers to someone with a connection to the flower.

76. Ferri

The Italian surname Ferri comes from the word Ferro, which means "iron" in Italian. It dedicates an occupation or origin related to working with metal.

77. Marchetti

Marchetti is derived from the word Marcio, which means "rotten" in Italian. It indicates an origin related to marshy or damp lands.

78. Silvestri

Silvestri is the last name that comes from the word Silvestre, which means "wild" or "of the forest" in Italian. It indicates an origin related to a natural environment or a person who lived close to nature.

79. Benedetti

The surname Benedetti came from the first name Benito, which is the Italian form of Benedict, which means "blessed".

80. De Santis

De Santis indicates a connection with the word santo in Italian, which means "saint".

81. Vitale

Vitale is an Italian surname that derives from the Latin word Vita meaning "life".

82. Messina

The Italian surname Messina indicates "a geographical origin", referring to the city of Messina in Sicily, Italy.

83. Farina

The surname Farina is determined from the word farina, which means "wheat flour". It is a metonymic occupational name for a miller or flour merchant.

Source : italy4real

84. De Luca

De Luca is a patronymic surname meaning "son of Luca." The given name Luca is the Italian version of Luke, from the Greek name Loukas meaning "from Lucania," an ancient district of southern Italy.

85. Ruggiero

The Italian surname Ruggiero means "famous warrior" or "renowned warrior".

86. Barone

The surname Barone is a name "for a courageous or brave person" having derived from the Latin word barus.

87. Pellegrini

The Italian surname Pellegrini originated from the term Pellegrino, which means "pilgrim". It is a surname that indicates an ancestor who made a pilgrimage.

88. Mezzasalma

Mezzasalma is a surname that is derived from the combination of two words mezza meaning "half" and Salma meaning "corpse".

89. Monti

Monti derives from the term monte, which means "mountain". It reflects a geographic origin, referring to a person who lived near or came from a mountainous area.

90. Pisano

Pisano is the surname "for someone from Pisa in Tuscany, Italy ".

91. Vinci

The surname Vinci arises from the verb vincere, which means "to conquer" or "to win". It indicates an ancestor who was considered a winner or a conqueror.

92. Zappa

Zappa is a surname that is an occupational name meaning "farmer", from the Italian word for hoe.

93. Verga

Verga is generated from the term verga, which means "rod" or "stick". It indicates an occupational origin, referring to a person who worked with rods or similar objects.

94. Bazzano

The surname Bazzano is derived from the name of a locality called Bazzano. It procures a geographical origin, referring to a "person who came from Bazzano or had a connection to that place".

95. Uberti

The Italian surname Uberti is derived from the given name Uberto, which has Germanic origins. It recommended a personal origin, referring to "an ancestor named Uberto or a family descending from a Uberto".

96. Saccone

The Italian surname Saccone has multiple origins. Firstly, it derives from the personal name Sacco, or it comes from the word saccone meaning "person lacking vitality" in a figurative sense.

97. Sartorre

Sartorre is an occupational name meaning "tailor" in Italian.

98. Pesci

The surname Pesci is a common occupational name for "a fisherman". Pesci is derived from the Italian word pesce, which is itself derived from the Latin word piscis, which means fish.

99. Ferrari

Ferrari is the surname that comes from the word Ferraro, meaning "blacksmith".

100. Barna

The meaning of the surname Barna is "son of the prophet". This is derived from the given name Barnaba, which has Hebrew origins.

101. Bari

The Italian surname Bari comes from the city of Bari and means "curly/messy hair."

102. Capone

The Italian surname Capone means "powerful leader." It could indicate a noble origin or a position of leadership within the community.

Long Italian Last Names

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103. Montanari

The last name in Italian Montanari refers to "mountaineer" or "highlander". It is the highest concentration occurs in the region of Emilia Romagna.

104. Battaglia

Battaglia is the surname that refers to "battle, fight". It indicates an origin related to an ancestor who was involved in battles or the military.

105. Romagnoli

Romagnoli is an Italian surname meaning "Romagnan", "of Romagna", and "from Romagna". It is derived from the region of Romagna in Italy.

106. Lombardozzi

Lombardozzi is an Italian surname that comes from a derivative of Lombardo. It is also connected to the term Lombard, which refers to "a person from the Lombardy region".

107. Dragonetti

The surname Dragonetti came from the word drago which means "dragon". The surname is derived from the Latin medieval name Draconis which is derived from a word that means dragon.

108. Fioravanti

The Italian surname Fioravanti originated from the given name Fiore, which comes from the Latin flos floris" meaning "flower blossom".

109. Governale

Governale is derived from the term governance, which means "to govern" or "to regulate." It denotes an origin related to an ancestor involved in government or administration.

110. Lavorgna

The Italian surname Lavorgna comes from the term lavoro, which means "work" or "occupation." It reveals an origin related to an ancestor who had a specific occupation or was known for their work activity.

111. Leombruno

The last name Leombruno is derived from the combination of two words Leo meaning "lion" and Bruno meaning "brown." It shows an origin related to an ancestor with lion-like characteristics, such as courage or strength.

112. Abruzzese

Abruzzese is an Italian surname that refers to "Abruzzian" or "from Abruzzo".

113. Fiaschetti

Fiaschetti is procured from the term fiaschetto, which means "small flask" or "bottle." It indicates an origin related to an ancestor who was involved in the production or sale of flasks or bottles.

114. Palmieri

The surname Palmieri is an "occupational name for a person who carries palm branches in processions". This surname is a common occupational name for a pilgrim or cleric who frequently carried a palm branch.

115. Cattaneo

Surnames of Italy Cattaneo refers to "captain". This began as a nickname in the medieval ages, probably for someone who was a ship's captain.

116. Sartori

Sartori is the occupational surname from the word sarto meaning "tailor".

117. Benedetto

Benedetto is a surname which is of Italian origin. The meaning of this is "blessed".

118. Rossetti

As a surname, Rossetti was originally a nickname for "a person with red hair" or "a reddish complexion".

119. Valentini

The Italian surname Valentini derives from the given name Valentino, which means "strong" or "brave." It denotes an origin related to an ancestor with these characteristics.

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120. Emanuele

The Italian surname Emanuele is from the Hebrew origins and refers to "God is with us." Traditionally, it was believed that the person with this surname would be protected by God.

121. Giorgianni

Giorgianni is an Italian surname, derived from the given name Giorgio which is the Italian corresponding of "George." 

122. Evangelista

The Italian surname Evangelista is developed from the word evangelo, which means "good news" or "gospel." It might indicate an origin related to a family with a strong religious connection.

123. Falzarano

Falzarano surname is derived from falzare, meaning "to modify." It denotes an origin related to an ancestor who worked in the manufacturing or modification of objects or materials.

124. Mancusoi

Mancusoi is an Italian surname which derived from a Sicilian noun and refers to "left-handed".

125. Carusoi

Caruso is an Italian surname derived from the Sicilian word for "boy." In 19th century Sicily, Carusi referred to young mine workers.

126. Baldassano

Baldassano surname is a variant of the given name Baldassarre or Balthasar. Baldassarre is a biblical name associated "with the Magi who visited Jesus".

127. Campanella

The Italian surname Campanella comes from the Italian word campana, which means "bell".

128. Bartolomucci

Bartolomucci comes from the given name Bartolomeo which denotes an affectionate diminutive. Bartolomeo is the Italian version of the name "Bartholomew".

129. Campodonico

Campodonico is believed to have originated from the combination of the words campo meaning "field" and donico "a name or dialectal term".

130. Baiamonte

The Italian surname Baiamonte comes from the combination of the words baia and monte. Baia means "bay" in Italian, while monte means "mountain."

131. Mezzatesta

Mezzatesta is made up of the combination of the two words where Mezza means "half" in Italian, while "testa" means "head."

132. Bencivenga

Bencivenga is acquired from the merge of the words ben and civenga. Here, Ben means "good" in Italian, while civenga refers to a name or a term of dialectal origin.

133. Maddalone

The Italian surname Maddalone derives from the word Maddalena, which means "Magdalene" in Italian.

134. Cantarella

Surname Cantarella is obtained from the word cantare, which means "to sing" in Italian. It might indicate an origin related to an ancestor who was a singer or involved in the music industry.

135. Maggiacomo

Maggiacomo is the Italian surname that derives from the combination of two words maggiore, meaning "greater" or "superior," and como, which refers to the city of Como in Italy.

136. Minichiello

The Italian surname Minichiello comes from the first name of the father of the original bearer. It is based on the personal name Domenico, which has its roots in the Latin name "Dominicus."

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Strong Italian Last Names

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137. Napolitano

The Italian surname Napolitano indicates "a geographic origin, referring to the city of Naples". This surname is common among people who have a connection to the city of Naples.

138. Piazza

The Italian surname Piazza has the meaning "square" or "open space." It indicates a geographic origin, referring to a person who lived or came from a square or open place.

139. Cavallaro

The surname Cavallaro derives from the term Cavallaro", which means "knight" or "horseman". It indicates an occupation or a noble title related to horse riding or the world of horses.

140. Giovanni

With Italian origins, Giovanni is a surname meaning "God is gracious." This is a timeless classic that has been in circulation for centuries.

141. Toscano

Toscano is the surname given to the"person who is from Tuscany".

142. Lupo

Lupo is a surname of Italian origin, meaning "wolf", which is derived from Latin lupus.

143. Ajello

Ajello is derived from the word aia, which means "courtyard" or "farmyard". It illustrates a geographic origin, referring to someone who lived near a courtyard or farmyard.

144. Ricciardi

The Italian surname Ricciardi derives from the term riccio, which means "curly" or "spikey" in Italian. It denotes that a person has curly hair or a physical appearance characterized by curly hair.

145. Amadori

Amadori derives from the word amore, which means "love" in Italian. It shows a connection to love or a person who is loved or appreciated by others.

146. Ranieri

The Italian surname Ranieri is attained from the given name Raniero, which has Germanic origins. It signifies "a connection to an ancestor named Raniero".

147. Mazza

Mazza is an Italian surname which means "club," "mace," or "sledgehammer." It may be a nickname or a name associated with someone who used or was known for these tools.

148. Mirro

The Italian surname Mirro is derived from the word "specchio" or "mirro" in Italian. It shows a connection to an ancestor who was involved in the production or sale of mirrors.

149. Monaco

The Italian surname Monaco means "someone of monkish habits" or appearance. It can also be an occupational name for a servant who worked at a monastery, as "Monaco" means "monk" in Italian.

150. Nardi

Nardi is derived from the given name Nardo or Leonardo. It could also be a surname indicating a geographical origin, referring to a place called "Nardi."

151. Palladini

The Palladini surname is derived from the Italian word palla, which means "cannonball".

152. Quarto

Quarto is acquired from the word quarto, which means "fourth" in Italian. It dedicates a geographical origin, referring to a place called Quarto.

153. Musso

The Italian surname Musso means "muzzle" or "animal snout" in Italian. It denotes a nickname based on a physical characteristic or a distinctive trait associated with a muzzle or an animal.

Source : visit-venice-italy

154. Torres

Torres which is sometimes spelled as Torrez is a surname in many countries that means "towers".

155. Rabito

The Italian surname Rabito is derived from the word rabbia, which means "anger" or "rage" in Italian. It has originated as a nickname for someone with a fiery or passionate temperament.

156. Papalia

Papalia is generated from the given name Papa, which means "father" in Italian. It has initially been a nickname to denote paternal status or as an affectionate way to refer to a fatherly figure.

157. Sandri

Italian last names Sandri is a variant of the given name Sandro, which is a miniature of Alessandro that derives from Greek. The meaning of Alessandro is "defender of men" or "protector of men."

158. Racca

The surname Racca was first found in various parts of Italy including early references in Emilia-Romagna, Venice, Bologna as well as in Lombardy and Tuscany. This name comes from the Italian word ricco meaning "curly." 

159. Varni

Varni has several possible origins as it could also be a locational surname, indicating the origin of a family from a place called "Varna" or "Varno". Additionally, it could be a variant of the surname Vanni, which is a diminutive of the given name "Giovanni."

160. Raimo

The surname Raimo came from the personal name Raimondo, which is the Italian version of Raymond. Raimondo derives from the Germanic term ragin, which means "counsel," and mund, which refers to "protection".

161. Sabatini

The Italian surname Sabatini is derived from the Italian term sabato, which means "Saturday". It also can be related to the Hebrew term Shabbat, which refers to the Jewish day of rest.

162. Rampulla

Rampulla originated from the Italian term rampollo, which means "sprout" or "shoot". It could also be related to the term ramo, which means "branch".

163. Tufano

Tufano is generated from the Italian term Tufo, meaning "tuff". Tuff is a porous volcanic rock often associated with the volcanic regions of southern Italy.

164. Urbani

The Italian surname Urbani derives from the Italian term urbano translates as "urban". So, the surname Urbani reflects an origin related to a person who lived in an urban environment.

165. Zaffino

Zaffino is generated from the Italian term zafferano, which means "saffron". Saffron is a prized spice that is used in cooking for its flavor and distinctive color. Thus, the surname Zaffino shows an origin related to the cultivation or trade of saffron.

166. Tursi

Tursi is derived from the name of a place called "Tursi" in Italy. Tursi is a city located in the Basilicata region in southern Italy.

167. Vadala

The meaning of the surname Vadala is "servant of God".

168. Panza

Panza is the surname that is derived from the word panzier meaning "mail-coat". This is the occupational name for an armorer.

169. Torelli

Torelli is derived from the given name Torello, which is a variant of the name Tore or Toro. These names can be associated with qualities such as strength or power, as toro in Italian means "bull".

170. Zanca

Zanca is generated from the word zanca, which means "paw" or "leg".

Beautiful Italian Last Names

Source : italianforall

171. Bertelli

The Italian surname Bertelli is derived from the given name Berto or Alberto. It denotes a connection to a person named Berto or Alberto.

172. Fiore

Fiore translates to "flower" in Italian.

173. Sala

Sala surname is derived from the Italian word sala, which means "hall" or "room". It signifies a connection to a person who lived or worked in a hall or was associated with a specific hall.

174. DiMaggio

The surname Dimaggio came from a child who was born in May. The surname Maggio is derived from the Italian word Maggio, which means "the month of May".

175. DeSantis

Desantis is derived from the Latin word sanctus, meaning "holy" or "devout". It was based on the first name of a forefather.

176. Alfonsi

The Italian surname Alfonsi is acquired from the given name Alfonso, which has Germanic origins and means "noble and ready for battle".

177. Andriola

Andriola is derived from the given name Andrea or its diminutive Andriolo. This surname indicates "a family or geographical origin related to a person named Andrea or their descendants".

178. Arduini

Arduini is generated from the given name Arduino, which has Germanic origins and means "strong as an eagle."

179. Benanti

The early origins of the Benanti family were for a man who displayed the characteristics of "benign," "friendly", or "harmless".

180. D'Amico

D'Amico means "of the friend" or "of the amico." D' is a contracted preposition indicating possession or origin, while amico refers to a friend or a friendly person.

181. Rinaldi

Rinaldi is assumed from the late Latin name Rinaldus which has the meaning "powerful advisor".

182. D'Angelo

It is the variant of the Italian Angelo or D'angelo, which is from the Latin Angelus meaning "messenger".

183. Amato

Amato is a family name of Italian origin, meaning "beloved" or "dear one".

184. De Angelis

The Italian surname De Angelis means "of the angels" or "of the angelic ones." Here, De is a preposition indicating possession or origin, while Angelis is the plural form of "Angelo" meaning "angel".

Source : italiannotebook

185. Marini

Marini is derived from the word Marino, which refers to the meaning "related to the sea" or "maritime".

186. Ferraro

Ferraro is the surname that comes from the term fabbro meaning "blacksmith", or "ironworker".

187. Bianco

The Italian surname Bianco means "white". It represents the color white and has various origins, such as referring to a person with fair or light-colored hair or complexion.

188. De Niro

The Italian De Niro surname is derived from the Italian word Nero, meaning "black".

189. D'Amato

D'Amato means "of the beloved" or "of love." The D' indicates possession or origin, while Amato means "beloved" or "love".

190. Carmine

Carmine is a surname of Italian origins that means "purplish-red" from the Aramaic word qirmizi which means "crimson".

191. Ceraso

Ceraso is assumed from the term cerasa, meaning "cherry" in Italian. Therefore, the surname shows families connected to a person or family who is related to cherries or cherry cultivation.

192. Degan

Degan has the meaning of "dean". It likely refers to someone who served or worked for a dean.

193. De Vito

De Vito is an Italian surname and has different interpretations. De means "of" in Italian, while Vito is a given name that can derive from the Latin name Vitus or Vitalis, meaning "life."

194. Del Medico

The Italian surname Del Medico can be interpreted as "of or belonging to the physician." It is a name that denotes the son, apprentice, or servant of a physician.

195. Denisco

Denisco is the surname that appears from the given name "Dionisio" or "Dionigi," which is the Italian version of "Dionysius" in Latin.

196. Elmo

Elmo as a surname is of Italian origin, and the meaning of Elmo is "to love God's helmet".

197. Fabrizio

Fabrizio originated from the given name Fabrizio, which has Latin origins. It means "fabricator" or "artisan" and signifies ancestry or association with a family of blacksmiths or craftsmen.

198. Giro

Giro is the Italian surname which means "turn" or "tour" in Italian. It declared ancestry or association with someone who made frequent travels or was involved in the tourism industry.

199. Falcione

The Italian surname Falcione is determined from the term Falco, which means falcon in Italian that is "a predatory bird known for its speed and agility".

200. Gotelli

Gotelli is derived from the term Gotico, which indicates "an origin or connection to the Gothic people". It denotes Gothic ancestry or a descent from a family associated with Gothic culture or history.

Explore More On Italian Last Names

Source : myitalianlessons

You can also have some more Italian family names:

201. Pompeo

An Italian surname Pompeo is derived from the Latin word pompeius and it means "five".

202. Nastri

Nastri is derived from the Italian term nastro, which means "ribbon" or "tape".

203. Munno

The surname Munno is commonly found in Italy and is "the adapted form of the name Mundo".

204. Porta

The Italian surname Porta means "door". It signifies a connection to a door or gate.

205. Marmo

Marmo is a surname that refers to "marble". It dedicates a connection to marble, a precious stone often used for decorative and architectural purposes.

206. Lambo

The Lambo surname is patronymic in origin, meaning that it is derived from the first name of a father or ancestor of the original bearer, and in this case means "son of Lambert."

207. Giove

Giove means "Jupiter", which indicates a connection to the Roman god Jupiter, known as the king of the gods and the god of the sky and thunder.

208. Fiato

The Italian names last Fiato means "breath" which signifies a connection to the concept of breath or vitality.

209. Di Carlo

The Italian surname De Carlo means "the son of Carlo". De is a preposition that indicates ownership or origin, while Carlo is an Italian given name.

210. Cicci

The surnames Italy Cicci derives from the given name "Francesco" in Italian. It indicates a connection to a person named Francesco.

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